In short we will present our new manufacturing movie, from steel works to the shipping of anchor chains.
Author Archives: Magdalena Evaldson
Ramnäs Bruk saves energy
The company Mälarenergi helps Ramnäs Bruk save energy. Please read Mälarenergi’s press release (only in Swedish): Ramnäs Bruk sparar energi med hjälp av Mälarenergi
Arrived in Stavanger
We invite you to discuss mooring systems with us at the ONS exhibition, August 25-28. Welcome to booth #B266.
We look forward to seeing you.
Ramnäs Technical Seminar 2014
Thank you for attending our seminar this year and we especially like to thank the speakers for taking time to share their knowledge and experience.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Ramnäs Technical Seminar next year, please keep an eye out for the dates of next year’s seminar!
Thank you for contributing to the success of the seminar.
Wish you all a wonderful summer!
Ramnäs Technical Seminar is held annually at the beautiful Schenströmska Manor located in Ramnäs, Sweden. Our seminar presents a variety of guest speakers, all specialized in their areas within the Offshore Mooring Industry. A great opportunity to exchange of experience
OTC confirms; increased capacity is the right direction
THANK YOU for visiting us at OTC 2014!
Our summary from the 46th Offshore Technology Conference is; SUCCESS!
Busy days with a lot of optimistic visitors showing interest in our RF-connector and wanted to hear the sound of our stud expanded link!
Apparently attendance reached the highest level in show history of 108,300, up 3.3% from last year. We are not surprised, it was very busy, and a belief in the future could be seen…
To be able to meet future demands we are now making our largest investment since the seventies, a new furnace system, read more about this interesting project in Ramnäs here.
If you have any questions, please let us know. See you again soon!
Ramnäs team has arrived in Houston
Welcome to our OTC booth #2705.
Listen to the sound of Ramnäs stud expanded link.
Looking forward to see you!

Marko Laituri, Linda Björnström and Olle Wandin
Furnaces Investment
In order to double our production capacity and shorter our lead times, we invest in a new furnace system. The system consists of both a new hardening furnace and a new annealing furnace, powered by natural gas (LNG).
The investment also includes a new cooling water system and excessive heat from cooling water will be used to heat buildings.
This does not only double the production capacity but also enable to produce in a continues process.
The new furnace system will be in full production beginning of 2015.
Railway Wagons Leaving Ramnäs
Normally two loads of chain leave Ramnäs Bruk each week, heading towards the Port of Uddevalla or the Port of Gävle. From the port our chain leaves Sweden for its final destination anywhere in the world.

One of many railway wagons leaving Ramnäs Bruk this autumn
Summer in Ramnäs
Cocktail Reception at OTC
The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, Texas, takes place from 6th to 9th of May at the Reliant Centre.
Ramnas will be exhibiting and if you are attending the event this year, it would be an excellent opportunity for us to meet face-to-face.
Ramnas Bruk kindly invites you to booth number 2810, we look forward to show you our excellent RF-connector and to discuss how we can assist you to achieve reliable mooring system.
Please attend the Cocktail reception in the Swedish Pavilion together with us. The Cocktail reception will be held on Tuesday, May 7th between 3 pm – 5 pm.
Hope to see you soon.
Best regards,
Linda Björnström, Marketing Manager, Ramnäs Bruk AB
Direct tel: +46 220 22027
For more information about the OTC, please refer to